31.8.2023 - / Week 1 - Week 14 Woo Yau Ka / 0355281 / BA of Design (HONS) in Creative Media Design Research Methodology Final Compilation and Reflection INSTRUCTIONS ASSIGNMENT 1: RESEARCH PROPOSAL ASSIGNMENT 2: CRITICAL REVIEW ASSIGNMENT 3: RESEARCH DESIGN - PRIMARY DATA ASSIGNMENT 4: REFLECTION REPORT & PRESENTATION PRESENTATION SLIDES: RECORDED PRESENTATION LINK: wooyauka_presentation FEEDBACK: Week 3 -Research questions cannot be researched -The theme has nothing to do with social design Week 4 -Change research questions -The purpose is how to achieve cultural communion -Delete third research objective -The citation needs to include the article name, year and website address. -Start making assignment 2 Week 5 Public Holiday Week 6 -Add the document to the references list -Explain why it is a weaknesses -If there are more than two authors, just write one author's name - Change to To explain - Intergrate strengths and weaknesses together - Example of...